Consent(Required) New Member Agreement
This agreement states the terms whereby you agree to representation by the Los Angeles Sheriffs Professional Association (“LASPA”)
Services Covered
Legal representation at all stages of any administrative investigation (e.g. Internal Affairs investigation) initiated by the County of Los Angeles and/or the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, including if a member is identified as a witness only. If the matter being investigated results in discipline of over five suspension days, appeal of that discipline up to a full evidentiary hearing before the County Civil Service Commission. If the investigation results in five suspension days or less of discipline, appeal of that discipline up to the Division Chief. LASPA will not file an appeal with the County Employee Relations Committee related to discipline of five days and under. LASPA reserves the right to discontinue representation at any time provided such a recommendation is made by your assigned counsel and based on good cause. Filing a grievance related to non-disciplinary matters is at the discretion of LASPA.
Services Excluded
Any matter not specified in the above “Services Covered” provision, which includes, but is not limited to: criminal defense (subject to Board approval if requested by member), civil defense, workers’ compensation, benefits, unemployment benefits, retirement benefits, and any claim before any state or federal court. You should consult with your own lawyer at your own expense if you believe any of these areas are involved in your case. You may consult with any LASPA panel attorney for up to one-hour, free-of-charge and decide whether or not to pursue a legal action at your own expense with said panel attorney or another attorney of your choice. Also excluded is legal representation to contest facts, charges, allegations, or grounds for revocation or suspension under SB2 for events which automatically disqualify an individual from holding the position of a peace officer (e.g. conviction of certain crimes, permanent court orders prohibiting an individual from possessing a firearm, being found not guilty by reason of insanity, etc.) where those facts, charges, allegations or grounds have been finally determined or adjudicated in a separate legal proceeding, including where the member pled guilty or nolo contendere. Coverage also does not extend to post-administrative hearing review, including judicial proceedings.
Fees and Costs
Legal representation is a benefit for those who are eligible, dues-paying members of LASPA before their legal problems arose and therefore, there are no additional charges for taking advantage of this membership benefit. However, if your payroll deduction dues payment is interrupted due to disciplinary action taken against you (i.e. suspension without pay), you must maintain your dues payment on your own to continue to receive representation services. Routine costs such as copying, subpoena services, etc. will be paid by LASPA. LASPA however, is not obligated to pay extraordinary costs such as expert witness fees or transcripts costs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payment of any fees or costs rests within the sole discretion of LASPA.
LASPA or its assigned legal representative will keep you informed of the progress of your case and you agree to cooperate to assist LASPA in the investigation and preparation of your case. You also agree to keep LASPA informed of your current residence address and telephone numbers, and immediately notify LASPA of any changes.
Legal Representation
Member herby acknowledges and agrees that in order to be eligible for Legal representation; member must give LASPA counsel first opportunity to represent him/her. LASPA will not provide legal representation for those members who are currently being represented by an alternative union or who elect to represent themselves.
Continuing Membership
If you are member less than twelve months prior to requesting legal representation under this Agreement, you agree to maintain LASPA membership for a period of three years after the final disposition of the matter covered under this Agreement.
Payroll Reimbursement
In the event you are suspended without pay, you are eligible for payroll reimbursement of your daily current earnings (excluding overtime) multiplied by the number of days received, up to 30 days (depending on your rank). You are NOT eligible for reimbursement if the alleged conduct involves: matters outside the course and scope of employment, intentional disregard for Department rules, regulations or policies, repetitive policy violations, reckless behavior, refusal to comply with State, County or Department health mandates, or if the investigation leading into disposition of discipline began prior to you joining LASPA. You must utilize LASPA counsel for each phase of any Department investigation (the initial interview through the final grievance stage) to be eligible for payroll reimbursement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any payroll reimbursement rests entirely within the discretion of LASPA’s Committee Board. In order to collect a payroll reimbursement check you agree to personally appear at LASPA’s office and submit a W-9 form for LASPA’s tax reporting purposes.
Cancellation of Membership
Unless member otherwise agreed to maintain membership for a specific duration, member may cancel LASPA membership for any reason at any time. Membership will remain active unit the following normally scheduled dues deduction, then the cancellation will be effective. LASPA likewise reserves the right to cancel membership for any reason. However, if LASPA cancels a member and that member is being actively represented by LASPA counsel in a pending matter (grievance, discipline appeal, etc.), member will continue to be represented by LASPA counsel (if member chooses) for the duration of the underlying matter.