Peace Officers Relief Fund (PORF)

The Peace Officers Relief Fund (PORF) was established by the bargaining units as part of negotiations in January of 1990.  All full-time, active sworn peace officers belonging to bargaining units 611 and 612 (Deputies, Sergeants, Lieutenants and District Attorney Investigators) are eligible for this benefit at no cost.  PORF provides Long-Term Disability (LTD)  and Group-Term Life Insurance benefits.

Sworn LASPA members already qualify to receive these benefits; you must merely file a claim.  Because LASPA is not a bargaining union, you must contact one of the following bargaining unions to file a claim: 

ALADS (800) 842-6645

PPOA (323) 261-3010

LASPA members are always provided with a licensed attorney that specializes in police issues for every internal affairs interview and/or grievance, no matter how big or small.